Monday, January 13, 2014

Moonlight serenade...

A little while ago, Budward and I were outside for his final tinkle of the evening. Though I couldn't see the moon itself, it must be nearly full tonight because everything was bathed in that indescribable blackish, blueish, purplish, grayish light.  It was so serene and I really do try to enjoy those moments so I was staring up at the sky while Buddy went about his business.  
The trees looked kind of like the teeth of a comb, separated by moonlight and just as I was enjoying the optical illusion............
Jesus, Mary and Joseph in the foothills!!!!!!!!!  (No idea if that was internal or external monologue)
Most of the snow left on our porch roof let loose and fell to the deck/stairs about two feet from where we stood.  
Clad in my leopard print flannel pj's, Sorels and 3/4 length down coat (of course the hood was up - what, do you think I'm some sort of wild animal?!?!) I found myself in a semi-crouched position, ready for action, with Budward (also in a semi-crouch) between MY feet, tail firmly tucked between his own.  By unspoken consent, we agreed we were done outside and made it indoors at a brisk pace.  
Thank God Buddy had taken care of business and I made a quick visit to the bathroom to ensure I HADN'T.  

It's all good.